
Why Wacaco portable espresso machines are perfect for climbers! | Wacaco
May 11, 2018Daniel Kennedy

Why Wacaco portable espresso machines are perfect for climbers!

Welcome to the crag cafe! Take your crag coffee game to the next level with Wacaco!  What’s one more piece of gear?  You don’t want to be caught mid-pitch without a portable espressos machine on your rack!  The Nanopresso and Minipresso portable espresso machines are a perfect fit for climbers. 

Wether you're bouldering, sport climbing, free soloing, or multi pitch-trad climbing, coffee is your friend.  Instead of crushing energy drinks before sending your latest boulder project; and then having to power through the inevitable sugar crash, make a strong healthy espresso.  Having a portable espresso machine in hand will make you the envy of the boulder field.  Hand out beta and espresso like it’s your job.

There’s nothing like waking up hundreds of feet above the ground during a big wall climb.  Coffee time!  What are you going to do, bring a french press?  Be your own pop-up cafe, with piping hot espresso halfway up The Nose!  At under 3/4 of a pound the Nanopresso is the lightest cafe you can haul!

Recently we featured free solo climber, sky diver, wing suiter, Nick Fern, free soloing in Red Rocks Canyon, Las Vegas.  Video below:

If you’re going to send at your top level, you want to be sharp.  Caffeine is a known cognitive and physical performance enhancer.  You become more alert, get more out of your muscles, and recover faster.  But you don’t have to swill gas station energy drinks or stagnant day old coffee like a rookie.  Send in class with your choice of beans, fair trade, single origin, and as freshly ground as possible.

We’ve found the Minipresso and Nanopresso are a hit with climbers because every time you pump a shot, you work on a little bit of grip strength.  Warm up by pumping a fresh hot espresso.  Pump for all your friends and you’ll be breaking grades in no time.


May 11, 2018 Daniel Kennedy