
Roast Review: Cosecha Del Sur Coffee | Wacaco
Nov 05, 2021Daniel Kennedy

Roast Review: Cosecha Del Sur Coffee

Written by Sheila Murray

As I prepared to write this roast review, I thought back to when I first heard about
Cosecha Del Sur Coffee, and laughed when I realized it was on “Nextdoor,” a social network for neighborhoods. Charlie Stephens had posted a little about his story and advised neighbors how they could get locally roasted coffee...  literally down the street. The post was met with tons of excitement and people buying bags left and right. As I connected with Charlie’s story and because I love supporting local small businesses, I knew I had to give Cosecha Del Sur Coffee a try!

I have three different options to introduce you to from the Cosecha Del Sur collection. Let’s jump in! 

Peru: Finca Churupampa Organic

First Impressions

James and I asked a friend visiting from out of town to help us perform the ritualistic coffee tasting and he happily obliged. As always, we passed around the beans, and then the freshly ground coffee, to dip our toes (nose?) in before tasting. Our friend, Lael, attempted to guess the fruit he could smell and went with “apple.” James noted an earthiness and forecasted that the tasting notes might include a “sweet finish.” My mind went to maple syrup… or maybe honey? Okay, so a lot of different guesses here, it was time to taste!

Tasting Notes

This coffee works well as a pour over or espresso, so we decided to go with the Cuppamoka for our brew. We all debated the flavor notes that seemed to spring right out of our cups. We agreed that the apple flavor we had guessed at was more distinguished now that the coffee had been brewed. Along with the fruit notes, there was still a warm and full-bodied feel to the brew. Lael, who had been to Peru before, said that he imagined sipping this brew while looking over Isla Del Sol. In all, we were delighted with the flavor from this roast!

Nicaragua:  Finca La Estrella

First Impressions

We passed around the beans once again, whole then ground, between the three of us. In contrast to the Peruvian coffee we had just tried, these beans were distinctly less fruity and more chocolatey upon first impression. James reported velvety notes and dark chocolate, while Lael was reminded of hoisin sauce. I noted something nutty, perhaps walnut!

Tasting Notes

We were advised that Finca La Estrella makes an excellent espresso, so we took out the Nanopresso for this one! Upon first tasting, the coffee was a strong blast of “hello-wake-up!” but we had to check ourselves, as this was the second coffee we had tasted … was the caffeine buzz just ramping up? As we continued to sip and chat, I remarked how drinkable this coffee was. James agreed and said that he could imagine having this coffee while camping, either as a way to greet the morning or as an afternoon refreshment. It was Lael’s first time seeing the Nanopresso in action, so he first remarked on the frothy crema resting atop the espresso. Once he tasted it, he too noted the drinkability of this espresso. I’d recommend enjoying this espresso paired with a weekend book or perhaps bring it on your next walk around your neighborhood. 

Colombia: Magica del Campo

Having our friends taste coffee with us during their visit has become a sort of speciality of the house. I love introducing visitors to Wacaco products and challenging them to put on their coffee connoisseur hat. Reviewing different coffee roasts encourages us to slow down, sip mindfully, and evaluate what we are drinking … versus gulping down our caffeine fix. Shoutout to our friends Nathan and Mara, who came through Denver and joined us in a coffee tasting of Magia del Campo, a Colombian coffee option by Cosecha.

First Impressions

I ceremoniously opened the blue bag of Magica and was instantly captivated by the bright smell of the beans. As always, I passed around the bag, so that everyone could share their first impressions of the beans before they were ground. 

Nathan noted a chocolaty smell and instantly said he’d enjoy taking this coffee hiking! I agreed to chocolaty, and also said there might be toffee or caramel notes in there. James reported a cinnamon smell. We all paused and then agreed there was definitely something fruity as well. All of the different smells we each experienced made us all the more curious to taste the coffee! 

We were using the Cuppamoka for our coffee tasting, so we ground the beans for pour-over coffee, and I decided to sub my yellow Octaroma in for the base because I was feeling the bright happy colors!


Tasting Notes

After making our cups, we decided to take our coffee outside and enjoy it in the pleasant morning air. This is the way I imagine this coffee is meant to be enjoyed - sitting outside on a porch, or by a campsite, amongst friends. We went around and shared what tastes we were experiencing and I also invited everyone to share if it evoked a memory or perhaps a place they could envision themselves drinking Magica.

Mara said that it would be her choice afternoon pick-me-up. She and Nathan had spent a few long days exploring Denver during 95+ degree days, so an afternoon coffee was a must to revive the afternoon slump. Nathan enthusiastically chimed in that it was great “post-zoo coffee,” a nod to their exceptional experience at the Denver Zoo the day before. James and Nathan also debated about fruit notes. Was it apricot? Cherry? They both agreed it might be plum! 

Later on I cheated and read the description on the website:
“Flavor: Fruity, Dark Chocolate, Cherry”

Plum is pretty close I’d say, wouldn’t you? Try it for yourself and let us know what you think!


Nov 05, 2021 Daniel Kennedy